Run Chamberlain, Run! Solving the 200-Year-Old Mystery of Runaway Pond

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Spencer Chamberlain, June 10, 1810, Cover art by Seth Hippen, Seth is a professional movie animation artist. The cover was based on the description of Spencer Chamberlain. (Only 500 copies printed)

On June 10, 1810, Spencer Chamberlain “half blood of the Indian race”* hiked five miles with a group of men to Long Pond to increase the flow of water to run the mill. They got more than they expected.  Two billion gallons of water is now roaring down the mountain toward the mill and the town of Glover, Vermont. Can anyone warn them in time?

Fifty years later- Pliny H. White gave the keynote address at the 50th anniversary. His speech started a controversy. Everyone in town then began to write down everything they heard from their parents and grandparents. These writings were preserved in their original state in a book compiled by Wayne Alexander with the hope that someday it would be used to answer the questions raised by the pond that ran away.

In 2010, Dennis D. Chamberlain took that challenge. He examined all the evidence and put the pieces of the puzzle together to solve the 200-Year-Old Mystery of Runaway Pond.

Run Chamberlain, Run! Solving the 200-Year-Old Mystery of Runaway Pond, by Dennis D. Chamberlain

This book explains the controversy surrounding the hero of Runaway Pond. It was first to tell the modern generation the exact course the runner took to get from the pond to the mill. It also answers many questions which had been debated for years. Who?, What?, When?, Where? and How?

Why and how did I write it?

Four months to solve a mystery debated for over 100 years, write and publish a book. Could I do it? Then I missed my flight! How could I make it to the bicentennial in time? Amazing coincidences? Or, was someone helping me?

The book also includes:

Aftermath of the flood

Stories of ancestors and descendants of Spencer Chamberlain

*The classic poem about Runaway Pond by Spencer Chamberlain’s great grandson, Harry Alonzo Phillips. 156 lines of this poem is included in the book.

Gem of the mountains- of woodlands so wild,
Peacefully sleeping, an innocent child,
Cradled in emerald, and blue as the sky:
Soft winds are kissing, thy waters- goodbye!

-Harry Alonzo Phillips, written 1929

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Dennis Chamberlain
P. O. Box 567
Davis, CA 95617

The Bicentennial Celebration, June 6, 2010, Video and Photos. 

Watch this five minute news video of the bicentennial from their series: “Stuck in Vermont”. Video about the Runaway Pond Bicentennial Celebration


Runaway Pond Historical Marker

You are now at the bottom of Long Pond looking north to where the trench was dug. The highest of the three balloons was the lake water level.


Bread and Puppet Theater re-enacts Spencer Chamberlain’s Run, Based on Harry Alonzo Phillips’ Poem.

 Front page news, June 2, 2010- Run Chamberlain, Run -Solving the 200-Year-Old Mystery of Runaway Pond.


Ernest M. Chamberlain views the Grave marker of his great-great grandparents, Spencer Chamberlain and Millie French Chamberlain


Firing of the cannon at the minute of the 200th anniversary of the running away of Long Pond on June 6, 1810

Read the Chamberlain Story, chose any single chapter from the Table of Contents 

©Copyright Dennis D. Chamberlain, The Chamberlain Story, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the written content of this site without express and written permission from the author and owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that credit is given to Dennis D. Chamberlain and direction to